Lien letter requests can be submitted to:
North Apollo Borough, PO Box 501, North Apollo, PA 15673. Outside of business hours payments can be put in the drop box at the bottom of the gray ramp.
The lien letter fee = $20.00 for a lien letter pertaining to sewer recovery, fire protection and garbage.
North Apollo Borough, PO Box 501, North Apollo, PA 15673. Outside of business hours payments can be put in the drop box at the bottom of the gray ramp.
The lien letter fee = $20.00 for a lien letter pertaining to sewer recovery, fire protection and garbage.
Please make your check out to: North Apollo Borough. We cannot take credit cards for this fee.
Below is the checklist form link that the North Apollo Building Inspector uses when performing an Occupancy Inspection. To schedule an inspection please call the borough office at 724-478-4802.
-- Inspections are done on Monday mornings, fees due by Noon on the Friday before scheduled inspection.
Occupancy Inspection Fee = $75.00 per inspection.
--Someone must be at the property and present during the inspection.

Occupancy Inspection Checklist
Inspection Checklist -- Click HereDYE TEST INFORMATION

Dye Test Form
Dye Test Form - Click Here